Student agreement
When you start at the academy, your parents and carers agree to the following:
The Co-op Academy student will:
work to the academy’s high expectations of our values and behaviours;
adopt an attitude of hard-work, self-discipline and organisation in every lesson;
be properly equipped for every lesson;
meet work deadlines set by your teacher;
attend regularly and on time and be punctual to all lessons;
follow the academy’s policy on uniform and appearance;
respect all property, keeping the academy free from litter, graffiti and chewing gum.
I will read and follow the rules in the acceptable use agreement policy.
When I use the academy’s ICT systems (like computers) and get onto the internet in the academy I will:
Always use the academy’s ICT systems and the internet responsibly and for educational purposes only
Only use them when a teacher is present, or with a teacher’s permission
Keep my usernames and passwords safe and not share these with others
Keep my private information safe at all times and not give my name, address or telephone number to anyone without the permission of my teacher or parent/carer
Tell a teacher (or sensible adult) immediately if I find any material that might upset, distress or harm me or others
Always log off or shut down a computer when I’ve finished working on it
I will not:
Access any inappropriate websites including: social networking sites, chat rooms and gaming sites unless my teacher has expressly allowed this as part of a learning activity
Open any attachments in emails, or follow any links in emails, without first checking with a teacher
Use any inappropriate language when communicating online, including in emails
Create, link to or post any material that is pornographic, offensive, obscene or otherwise inappropriate
Log in to the academy’s network using someone else’s details
Arrange to meet anyone offline without first consulting my parent/carer, or without adult supervision
If I bring a personal mobile phone or other personal electronic device into academy:
I will not use it during lessons, tutor group time, clubs or other activities organised by the academy, without a teacher’s permission
I will use it responsibly, and will not access any inappropriate websites or other inappropriate material or use inappropriate language when communicating online
I agree that the academy will monitor the websites I visit and that there will be consequences if I don’t follow the rules.